There is no need to apply for SFEC. Your credit will be automatically used on supportable programmes that you have applied for.
Invest in enterprise and workforce transformation with $10,000 credit

Eligible employers can receive a one-off $10,000 SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) to cover up to 90% of out-of-pocket expenses on qualifying costs for supportable initiatives, over and above the support levels of existing schemes.

What is it?
Enterprise Transformation – Initiatives that support development of your business and productivity.
Workforce Transformation – Job redesign initiatives, and curated training programmes by SkillsFuture Singapore and Workforce Singapore, such as training courses aligned to the Skills Framework, Career Conversion Programmes and sector-specific programmes.
List of supported programmes
Enterprise Transformation
Only up to S$7,000 of the credit can be used for enterprise transformation, to encourage employers to embark on both enterprise and workforce transformation programmes.
SFEC-supported programmes include:
- Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)
- Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)
- Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant
- Enterprise Leadership for Transformation Programme (ELT)
- Scale-Up
- Aviation Development Fund (ADF)
- Business Improvement Fund (BIF)
Workforce Transformation
There is no cap on the SFEC amount that can be used for workforce transformation.
SFEC-supported programmes include:
- Singapore Global Executive Programme
- Skills Framework-aligned courses
- National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning (NACE) Training Programmes
- National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning (NACE) Consultancy Services
- National Workplace Learning Certifications (including Workplace Learning:READY Mark) conferred by NACE
- Career Conversion Programmes
- Job Redesign initiatives
- Service and Jobs Transformation Leadership Programme
- Training Industry Professionals in Tourism (TIP-iT)
Note: Employers will have to meet the eligibility criteria of the individual programmes before they can draw down the credit.

Employers have to meet the eligibility criteria of the individual SFEC-supportable programmes before they can draw down the credit.

Eligible employers have been qualified over 5 qualifying periods. Refer to the Enterprise Portal for Jobs and Skills here for more details.

NEW Final claims for SFEC-supportable programmes must be submitted to the respective agencies by 30 June 2025.