Invest in enterprise and workforce transformation with $10,000 credit

Eligible employers can receive a one-off $10,000 SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) to cover up to 90% of out-of-pocket expenses on qualifying costs for supportable initiatives, over and above the support levels of existing schemes.

What is it?

Enterprise Transformation – Initiatives that support development of your business and productivity.

Workforce Transformation – Job redesign initiatives, and curated training programmes by SkillsFuture Singapore and Workforce Singapore, such as training courses aligned to the Skills Framework, Career Conversion Programmes and sector-specific programmes.

List of supported programmes


Enterprise Transformation

Only up to S$7,000 of the credit can be used for enterprise transformation, to encourage employers to embark on both enterprise and workforce transformation programmes.

SFEC-supported programmes include:

  • Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)
  • Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)
  • Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant
  • Enterprise Leadership for Transformation Programme (ELT)
  • Scale-Up
  • Aviation Development Fund (ADF)
  • Business Improvement Fund (BIF)

    Workforce Transformation

    There is no cap on the SFEC amount that can be used for workforce transformation.

    SFEC-supported programmes include:

    There is no need to apply for SFEC. Your credit will be automatically used on supportable programmes that you have applied for.

    Employers have to meet the eligibility criteria of the individual SFEC-supportable programmes before they can draw down the credit.

    Eligible employers have been qualified over 5 qualifying periods. Refer to the Enterprise Portal for Jobs and Skills here for more details.

    NEW Final claims for SFEC-supportable programmes must be submitted to the respective agencies by 30 June 2025.

    10 Jul 2024