Targeted at companies building industry-relevant skills and individuals seeking relevant jobs and skills matches

The Jobs-Skills Integrator (JSIT) initiative is a new introduction to Singapore’s training and placement ecosystem announced at Budget 2023.
JSITs are intermediaries who will work with industry, training and employment facilitation partners to optimise training provision and job matching services for companies and individuals. They will help to aggregate manpower and skills demand, activate supply of training, and help match skilled workers to jobs.

Piloting the Jobs-Skills Integrator Initiative
SkillsFuture Singapore, together with Workforce Singapore, and Enterprise Singapore will pilot JSITs in the Precision Engineering, Retail and Wholesale Trade sectors.
The appointed JSITs will start to establish their network of partners which could include but are not limited to:
Trade associations and chambers or any other business organisations
Unions or any other worker representative groups
Training providers
Employment agencies
Other industry intermediaries such as SkillsFuture Queen Bees and Skills Development Partners
JSITs in the 3 pilot sectors are seeking the partners listed above for collaboration.

Who is it for?
The JSIT programme is targeted at employers and individuals.
How can I benefit?
Training courses targeted at the skills needs of your current workforce
Access to jobseekers equipped with the necessary skills, and who are committed to start a career in Precision Engineering
Pre-emptive careers advisory for your employees on career development opportunities within the company or the sector
A central touchpoint for referral to any of the above services
Where can I find out more?
Jobs-Skills Integrators can be contacted via:
Precision Engineering Sector: contact Nanyang Polytechnic at
JSITs of the other sectors will be progressively made available
Training courses with integrated career services that can equip you with in-demand skills to help you transit into or within the sector
Sector-specific career advisory services and job matching support, including opportunities that will enhance your career prospects
Pre-emptive careers advisory if you are an existing worker in the sector
A central touchpoint for referral to any of the above services
Where can I find out more?
Jobs-Skills Integrators can be contacted via:
Precision Engineering Sector: contact Nanyang Polytechnic at
JSITs of the other sectors will be progressively made available