Workplace Literacy and Workplace Numeracy Series

What is it?
Workplace Literacy (WPL) - improves your English literacy (Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing)
Workplace Numeracy (WPN) - improves your Numeracy
There are eight language proficiency levels in the WPLN series. Before applying for WPLN training, you will have to go through an assessment to be placed into the right training level.
Course Type | Modalities covered in the
| Modalities to be taken for
WPL (Comprehensive) | Reading, Listening,
| Reading, Listening,
Speaking, Writing
WPL (Writing) | Reading, Writing | Reading, Writing |
WPL (Conversational) | Reading, Listening, Speaking | Reading, Listening, Speaking |
WPN | Numeracy | Numeracy |
Training recommendation will be based on the selected WPL or WPN training pathway with relevant modalities for WPLN assessment.