

In 2022, about 560,000 individuals and 20,000 enterprises participated in and benefitted from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)-supported programmes.

As expected, this is a fall in participation from 2021, which registered the highest annual numbers of SSG-supported individuals and enterprises, due to the extensive training support programmes introduced to tide through the pandemic. However, the 2022 participation was higher than the 2019 figures (i.e. pre-COVID), indicating that, overall, the SkillsFuture movement continues to sustain its momentum.

To reach out to even more Singaporeans, SSG engaged more than 34,000 individuals through SkillsFuture Advice workshops and provided one-to-one personalised Skills and Training Advisory services to about 6,600 individuals. We also organised the annual SkillsFuture Festival which attracted close to 250,000 participants. SSG will do more with our partners to help more Singaporeans understand their skills needs and kick-start their lifelong learning journey.

Supporting Singaporeans in lifelong learning

In 2022, more than 192,000 Singaporeans utilised their SkillsFuture Credit to offset their course fees and take charge of their own skills development. The top three areas of training among Singaporeans who used their SkillsFuture Credit are: Food and Beverage, Information and Communications Technology (ICT), and Security and Investigation. Demand also remained strong for curated, short SkillsFuture Series courses which focus on priority and emerging skills in areas such as Data Analytics, Tech-Enabled Services and Urban Solutions.  In 2022, more than 32,000 individuals undertook courses under the SkillsFuture Series. On 1 January 2023, SSG refreshed and reorganised the SkillsFuture Series to enable Singaporeans to upskill and pursue opportunities in the growth areas highlighted in the Skills Demand for the Future Economy report.

The SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes, which provide opportunities for individuals to gain valuable work experience while pursuing industry-recognised qualifications, saw strong participation. In 2022, more than 1,900 individuals embarked on various SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes, which were delivered in close partnership with more than 600 companies.

To better support mid-career individuals who wish to move into new sectors or job roles, SSG introduced the SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme (SCTP) in 2022. The programme allows mid-career individuals to choose from a selection of 82 courses in 10 sectors, such as Infocomm and Technology, Professional Services, and Healthcare, which have good employment opportunities. As of 31 December 2022, more than 1,000 individuals have enrolled in the programme.

97 per cent of about 58,000 surveyed trainees indicated that they were able to perform better at work after undergoing SSG-supported training. This was based on the Training Quality and Outcomes Measurement (TRAQOM) survey administered by SSG. 

Supporting enterprises in upskilling their workforce

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), who tend to need more support in their training needs, comprised 96 per cent of the 20,000 enterprises that participated in SSG-supported training programmes. Over 5,000 new enterprises tapped on their SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) to offset course fees for their employees.

To help companies, especially SMEs, build workplace learning capabilities, SSG launched the National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning (NACE) in 2018. In 2022, NACE supported close to 500 enterprises. Additionally, more than 700 enterprises benefitted from the SkillsFuture Queen Bee initiative, which was introduced in 2020 to enable smaller companies to tap on the guidance and expertise of industry leaders to enhance their employees’ skills development.

SSG is implementing new initiatives to involve enterprises and industry sectors more deeply in driving training that is relevant to industry needs and that enhances workers’ employability. The new Jobs-Skills Integrator (JSIT) pilot will work with key partners to aggregate manpower and skills demand at the sectoral level, activate supply of training, and help match skilled workers to jobs. The new Workplace Skills Recognition (WPSR) Programme will equip SMEs with basic workplace learning capabilities, and fast track the certification of skills acquired on the job by their workers.

Mr Tan Kok Yam, Chief Executive of SSG, said: “It is encouraging that individuals and enterprises remain invested in upskilling and reskilling. We want more to benefit, and we also want each learner to benefit more. To this end, we intend to better involve employers, engage learners, and partner unions and professional bodies, to raise the quality, currency and impact of the training that is delivered.”

Please refer to the tables below for a summary.

In 2022, about 560,000 individuals participated in SSG-supported programmes, of which:

- More than 192,000 Singaporeans used their SkillsFuture Credit

- More than 32,000 individuals attended SkillsFuture Series Courses

- More than 1,900 individuals attended SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes (with more than 600 participating companies)


- 97% of about 58,000 surveyed trainees indicated that they were able to perform better at work after undergoing SSG-supported training



In 2022, about 20,000 enterprises participated in SSG-supported programmes, of which:

- More than 5,000 new enterprises used SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit to offset course fees for their employees


- Close to 500 enterprises participated in National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning (NACE) programmes


- More than 700 enterprises participated in SkillsFuture Queen Bee activities



(Updated as of 24/03)

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23 Mar 2023