
SkillsFuture Fellowships

Skillsfuture Fellowships And Employer Awards

1. The establishment of the SkillsFuture Jubilee Fund was announced by the Prime Minister in November 2014 to kick-start support for the SkillsFuture movement and to mark the SG50 celebrations. The Fund will comprise donations from employers, unions, the public and the Government. This broad-based involvement signifies everyone being a stakeholder; and the Government will provide a dollar for dollar matching grant for donations raised.

2. The Fund will be used to give out SkillsFuture Fellowships, to recognise and develop Singaporeans with deep skills, typically acquired through significant work experience in the same industry/occupation. The Fellowships will help them achieve skills mastery in their respective fields.

3. Each Fellowship comprises a cash award of $10,000 to support the individual in his skills acquisition journey. The award can be used towards training across a broad range of skills upgrading programmes. Award recipients will be Singaporeans who have had a strong track record of contributing to the skills development of others, and will be expected to continue to do so. They will form a group of ‘Fellows’ who will be role models in the pursuit of skills mastery.

4. We target to give up to 100 fellowships annually, which can be used for a range of education and training options, in both craft-based and knowledge-based areas.

5. As employers play an important role in workforce development, SkillsFuture Employer Awards will be given out to exemplary employers who have made significant efforts to invest in employee training and support the SkillsFuture effort through the development of structured skills-based career pathways for their employees. The SkillsFuture Employer Awards are recognition awards and nonmonetary in nature.

6. The SkillsFuture Fellowships will be introduced from 2016. More details about SkillsFuture Fellowships will be released in due course.

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23 Mar 2023