
Security Industry Transformation Map

Innovative Companies | Better Jobs | A Secure Singapore

Mrs Josephine Teo, Minister, Prime Minister’s Office and Second Minister for Home Affairs and Second Minister for Manpower, launched the Security Industry Transformation Map (ITM) today at the Lifelong Learning Institute. The event was attended by over 250 guests, including tripartite stakeholders and Government agencies.

2. The Security ITM, led by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), seeks to transform the industry from one that is manpower-reliant, to one that leverages technology and raises skills to deliver high-quality security solutions. This is a collective effort that has taken more than a year to develop, through numerous focus group discussions and consultations with industry associations, security agencies, the Labour movement, service buyers and Government agencies.

Importance of the Security Industry

 3. There are currently about 240 security agencies in Singapore, 600 security service providers and 47,000 active security officers. The security industry plays an important role in the safety and security of Singapore. Security agencies and officers are responsible for the security of many industrial, commercial and residential premises, as well as events.

 4. The security industry is also a key partner of the Home Team, working alongside our officers. With the heightened security threat from terrorism and increase in number of buildings and facilities in Singapore, the demand for security services is set to increase. It is thus necessary to transform the industry, to increase productivity and make the job requirements less manpower-intensive, especially amidst a slowing pace of workforce growth. The Government will invest about $10 million over the next three years to support the initiatives under the Security ITM.

Shift from Headcount-based Model to Integrated Security Solutions

5. The Security ITM has identified four strategies to transform the industry and enable security companies to move away from just supplying manpower to delivering integrated security solutions. The four strategies are: (i) supporting technology and innovation; (ii) promoting ‘best sourcing’ of services, with Government taking the lead; (iii) aligning regulations with ITM objectives to improve standards; and (iv) improving skills to enable career progression.

(I) Supporting Technology and Innovation

6. First, the Security ITM seeks to support technology and innovation in the industry via several initiatives. One of the initiatives will be the partnership by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) with MHA and the industry to develop the Security Industry Digital Plan (IDP) for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The IDP will provide step-by- step advice to SMEs on the digital solutions required at each stage of their growth. [Please see factsheet on Technology and Innovation for more details.]

(II) Promoting Best Sourcing

7. Second, the Security ITM aims to support buyers to adopt best sourcing of security services1 through funding schemes and outreach efforts. The Government will also take the lead in adopting outcome-based security contracts. [Please see factsheet on Best Sourcing for more details.]

(III) Regulations to Improve Standards

8. Third, the grading criteria for security agencies will be revised to focus on security outcomes and technology adoption. This will enable better differentiation of agencies that invest in training and technology, and which deliver high quality services. The new SAGE criteria will apply from this year. [Please see factsheet on Regulations for more details.]

(IV) Improving Skills and Career Progression

9. Finally, to improve the quality of jobs in the security industry, the Skills Framework for Security was also launched today. This framework provides key information on the sector and career progression pathways, and also outlines the existing and emerging skills and competencies for the job roles.

10. At the launch, MHA and Temasek Polytechnic also signed a memorandum of understanding for the new Specialist Diploma in Security Consultancy. The programme will cover risk assessment, building security and relevant legislation, security technology, and project management. Security consultants will help bring further professionalism and capabilities into the sector. [Please see factsheet on Skills Framework for more details.]

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23 Mar 2023